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Early symptoms of Bruce Willis's dementia include Daughter Tallulah describes agonizing sensation before to diagnosis


Early symptoms of Bruce Willis's dementia include Daughter Tallulah describes agonizing sensation before to diagnosis

The Die Hard star's 29-year-old daughter Tallulah Willis has spoken up about the early warning flags that the family ignored before the dementia diagnosis.

Willis's diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia, or FTD, was made public in February. His daughter claimed she was still having trouble accepting the news.

FTD can cause issues with memory loss, language skills, and the capacity to carry out daily tasks.

Following an initial aphasia diagnosis in 2022, Willis' family made the heartfelt announcement that he would be leaving the field of acting.

In a painful interview with Vogue, Tallulah discussed her own health struggles with anorexia nervosa and melancholy as well as some of her father's early signs.

Bruce Willis

What happened to Bruce Willis health?

After receiving an aphasia diagnosis in 2022, Bruce Willis stepped down from the movie industry and the public eye. After receiving an aphasia diagnosis in 2022 and a frontotemporal dementia diagnosis in February of 2023, Bruce Willis withdrew from acting and public life.

What kind of aphasia does Willis have?

The name of this specific condition is primary progressive aphasia. In that instance, as the illness worsens over time, the person will also experience cognitive side effects like dementia.

What is Bruce Willis' health condition?

As an AI language model, I don't have real-time information or access to personal medical records. Therefore, I cannot provide specific details about Bruce Willis' current health condition.

Public figures' health information is typically private unless they choose to disclose it themselves or it becomes a matter of public record.

It's always best to rely on verified news sources or official statements for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding someone's health.
